
Are you an importer or wholesaler of organic frozen products?
Please contact us by e-mail for information on a partnership, our delivery or pick-up conditions and wholesale prices.

E-mail: ed.ts1714122777orfok1714122777eo@tr1714122777opxe1714122777

You are a consumer and have questions about our products or sources of supply in your country?
Please contact us by e-mail and we will be happy to help you.

E-mail: ed.ts1714122777orfok1714122777eo@of1714122777ni1714122777

Packaging and Labeling

Our products are labeled as standard in accordance with the statutory labeling requirements of Germany. For individual and country-specific requirements, we can offer you agreements and solutions on request. Please contact us  for your inquiries.

E-mail: ed.ts1714122777orfok1714122777eo@tr1714122777opxe1714122777

BioCool is a brand of Ökofrost GmbH.

Ökofrost GmbH

Ullsteinstraße 130
12109 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 / 78 77 66 66
Fax: +49 30 / 78 77 66 10
E-mail: ed.ts1714122777orfok1714122777eo@of1714122777ni1714122777

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